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How to contact The Waltham Forest Community Radio Group

The easiest way to make contact with the people in the Waltham Forest Community Radio Group is to use the email addresses provided or leave a message in the Guest Book.

The members of the group are as follows:

Members of Waltham Forest Community Radio Group

The membership has changed from time to time but these people may be regarded as the 'core' members who have had the longest connection with the group. Members listed as 'associate' have a looser connection with the group.

Adele Tinman, Member

David Gardiner, Member

Gudrun Nwanaga, Member

Wayne Walton, Member

Jean Duggleby, Associate Member

You can send your general enquiries to:
or send us a letter in the old fashioned way to:
Forest Radio
C/O David Gardiner
55 Elmsdale Road
E17 6PN

You can send us feedback right now by posting something in our Guest Book:

Please Leave FeedbackGuestbook


Subscribe to our mailing list

Please note that we are an independent group and the views expressed on this website and in the programmes are those of the people expressing them and not necessarily those of this or any other group or organisation.