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Waltham Forest activist and banner artist Trudi talks to David

April Fools' Day nation-wide protests from Extinction Rebellion


To mark April Fools' Day and in the case of England the partial relaxation of strict lockdown, local branches of Extinction Rebellion all over Europe organised unannounced peaceful protests at banks, head offices of large corporations and other symbols of ruthless and irresponsible capitalism. Trudi, a member of the Waltham Forest branch, was the artist responsible for the large placards that were tempoerarily stuck to the bricked-up windows of the Bank of England in Threadneedle Street, and was interviewed about the event by Forest Radio's David in the first of the two videos above.

The second video is a complete recording of the live stream from Extinction Rebellion, beginning with the London demonstration but taking in actions in many other British cities also. The complete recording runs for some 1 hour 47 minutes, but the material relating to London is mostly contained to the first 20 minutes.

The organisers were pleased that the protest events went smoothly and without injuries, though it is believed that there were some arrests for alleged criminal damage (and it wasn't the bankers and their cronies).

How heartening it is to see people of all ages and backgrounds united in their determination to see that that our children and our planet are going to have a future.

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