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Documentary about Walthamstow Market, filmed in 2007, Director Dominic Stinton.

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A Portrait of Walthamstow Market is a documentary produced in the year 2007 by a small film company called, possibly for entry in the Festival de Cannes of that year. Their website is no longer active and while we have so far failed in our efforts to trace Mr Stinton we have managed to contact John Holloway, the film's Editor, who has kindly given us permission on behalf of the production team to put it on our website.

The DVD contains three different edits of the material, each of a different length, namely 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 30 minutes. This is the shortest of the edits at 5 minutes.

The DVD does not appear to be currently available. Our copy was, as far as we know, purchased in a Charity Shop. If you would like a copy of the full DVD please let us know by email and we will try to help. You can see the full 30 minute version of the film HERE.

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