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Voting Spot

You need to find a voting spot somewhere in the borough. It might look something like this.

      Message to Waltham Forest People from WF Extinction Rebellion

Take part:

Stand in your preferred option Ask someone from your household to take a photo of you. Post on social media with the hashtag #decidetogether. You can tag the council if you want @wfcouncil and also tag us! @xrwalthamforest


Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest demands a local Citizen’s Assembly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

With lockdown measures showing us what is possible in terms of a quick response to crises, we demand that the same level of response is taken to mitigate the worst effects of climate and ecological breakdown.

During lockdown we have seen communities pulling together to support the most vulnerable. Mutual Aid groups have mobilised to do work that the council has not been able to do. Local community groups and charities have been working hard to support people with all kinds of needs.

Community works. People power is effective.

We should all be given a voice on how to emerge from the pandemic crisis and tackle the climate and ecological emergency at a local level here in Waltham Forest.

Find more voting spots around the borough by using the interactive map you will find at

You can also visit the main Waltham Forest Extinction Rebellion website at:

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