At a stall jointly operated by Unite and Action4Whipps on Saturday 26th February 2022 Tommy Anderson gave this brief but shocking account of an attack on Project Parker, a refuge and free meal centre for homeless people situated off Wood Street in Walthamstow, E17 and run by Tommy and other volunteers.
Project Parker is a self-contained ‘safe village’ which supported Walthamstow’s homeless community before and during the Covid-19 crisis. In an attempt to make up for Waltham Forest Council's failure to fulfil its duty to find a more permanent solution, Project Parker provided the homeless community with a safe, comfortable, and most importantly, private space to stay well and properly isolated during the Covid 19 pandemic.
While this vandalism was being committed by the Council, Tommy Anderson, the project's founder and leader, was in hospital fighting off the disease himself. Thankfully he has now recovered and returned to the struggle for decent treatment of homeless people, and has obtained legal assistence to sue the Council for the losses the project has suffered, The case comes up in May. Above is Tommy's account of the Council-sanctioned break-in.
Walthamstow can be justly proud of what Tommy has done and is still doing for those citizens of Waltham Forest on whom the Council has turned its back.
Please sign this petition to stop them closing this project and throwing its 17 residents back on to the streets.