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Live event in support of "Sue's House" Cancer Support Charity,
10 Dawlish Drive, Ilford, IG3 9ED

Video recording of some excerpts from the live music event held at The William Morris Public House and Restaurant on Forest Road, E17 4JD, on Wednesday 15th September in support of "Sue's House" Cancer Support Charity, 10 Dawlish Drive, Ilford, IG3 9ED.

Featured performers were Keith Christmas (headlining), Al Neville and John Arthur. Due to a technical problem only one song from John Arthur was successfully recorded so we have tried to compensate by adding an older recording of another of John's songs accompanied by a slideshow exhibition of some of his art work. Apologies to John and his fans for this mishap.

Donations can be made by bank transfer or by cheque made out to Sue's House.
Bank account no.19862806
Sort code 605009

RUNNING TIME: 1 hour approximately.

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