Public Save Our Square meeting in the rapidly shrinking town square – Sat. 6th August 2022
After seven years of protest largely ignored by the authorities Save Our Square refuses to give up the struggle to stop the construction of ugly and unaffordable 1960s style tower blocks in the town square, designed to "gentrify" Walthamstow and drive out its traditional communities to be replaced by wealthy "city" types who can pay obscene prices to own or rent the little concrete cells in the sky, thus lining the pockets of investors and swelling the (allegedly Labour) Council's coffers. All it will cost is handing over between a third and a half of the open public space to commercial developers and speculators. The wire fences are already up and they have started digging holes, but there is still a great deal that can go wrong between now and the end of the five years or so this destruction of the town square is likely to take. In the end if you're really lucky and no longer doing your shopping on a building site you can look forward to rubbing shoulders with your betters as they sip their Cappuccinos.and read the Financial Times in the continental style open air cafes. We at Foest Radio just can't wait... |
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