+ Programme 21 from Forest radio

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Wayne, Tommy, David, Adele, Gudrun. Jean

      Programme 21

We have uploaded Programme 21 after a single recording session so it's very possible that we will have more items to add in the next week or so. Don't forget to call back occasionally to see if we have added any new material, but as of now we have covered: the roundup of what's happening during the rest of the month at The Mill and elsewhere in the borough, congratulated Gudrun on becoming a grandmother (!), had a discussion about Ros Kane's News From Nowhere Club, discusssed climate change, Extinction Rebellion and Transition Towns, Tommy's Kitchen for the homeless and vulnerable, local author Shelly Berry's new book, and our friend Marilyn Joy's second album.

A late addition to this list is a brief interview with a genuine 'garage' musician, Gary Lambert, rehearsing his music in a little storage shed off Erskine Road. We have inserted it inside the Roundup section near the beginning of the programme.

If any of you would like to come along for an interview, play some music or give a plug to your art or your business, just email info@forestradio.co.uk and make a date.

We have just added an additional item, which is a summary of Nancy Taffee's report on the Save Our Square meeting held on 5th February 2020.


The information given in the original recording about Tommy Anderson's activities under the name "Tommy's Kitchen", gleaned by Internet research, contained a lot of errors. Wendy Smith of the Inter Faith Waltham Forest organisation who is one of our listeners kindly corrected us, and the corrected version is as follows: Tommy's Kitchen opened in November 2019. It runs on a Tuesday and Friday from 11 am until 1 pm from the KukooLaLa Cafe in Leyton Jubilee Park. Its postal address is 3 Marsh Lane, Leyton, London E10 7BL, phone: 020 8539 0732. There is no connection with the Christian Kitchen organisation. We have removed the incorrect information from the original recording.


                The Teddy Bears' Picnic ~ Henry Hall & His Orchestra (1932)

                Sullivan Street (by Counting Crows) ~ Gary Lambert

                Wind of Change ~ Scorpions

                I Don't Know Why I Love You But I Do ~ Clarence "Frogman" Henry

                Creep (by Radiohead) ~ Lily Brooke

                Leave My Town Alone ~ Van Wagner

                Brother Can You Spare a Dime? ~ The Weavers

                Singled Out ~ Marilyn Joy

                Need You Jimmy ~ Marilyn Joy

                Faye (Making Her Debut) ~ Marilyn Joy

                USEFUL LINKS

                Nancy Taffee's Report on the 5th February Save our Square meeting (PDF file)

                Shelly Berry's website

                Marilyn Joy's website

                Tommy's Kitchen begins (Courtesy of Inter Faith Waltham Forest)

                Tommy's Kitchen Christmas meal (Courtesy of Inter Faith Waltham Forest)

                Lily Brooke's YouTube channel

              Ros Kane's News from Nowhere Club
              (meets on the second Saturday of every month at 7.30 pm
              for shared food, then the talk begins at 8.00.) On Saturday
              8th Feb 2020 the speakers were Dan Ritman of
              Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest and Ros Bedlow of
              Transition Leytonstone. You can hear a full recording of
              the event HERE.

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