Remembrance Day song: Green Fields of France – Liam Clancy
Roundup and talking about Remembrance Day in Waltham Forest.
White Cliffs of Dover – Dame Vera Lynn.
Interview with street dealer Jonathan about drugs and gang culture.
Kaleidoscope – Lily Brooke.
Grenfell Tower – brief report on Phase 1 of investigation.
True Blue Murder – Rob Johnson.
Interview at Farmer’s Market, Walthamstow. Talking with
Rev. Donna Williams of St Luke’s in the High Street Church, a church without a building.
Tanzanian Song – Malaika by Miriam Makeba.
Remembrance Day poem, written and read by Gudrun
Anniversary of Fall of Berlin Wall. Ethiopian student who lived in Germany, talks about his experiences at that time.
Another Brick In The Wall – Pink Floyd.