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      Programme 17

This is the third of our programmes recorded to a new format consisting of shorter original items and trailers for longer items which appear on the site as stand-alone uploads.

We very much hope that you like this change of format, which makes individual programmes a little shorter, less daunting and easier to find your way around. Having a separate page for most of the items also allows you to go straight to the one that interests you, or to create a simple link to it for yourself or your friends, or for posting to social media. It also makes it easier for us to include pictures, graphics or video clips to accompany individual items.

Please let us know how you find the new format and whether or not there are any further chages you would like.

This programme is largely devoted to the 'tasters' of stand alone items mentioned above, many of which have their genesis in Waltham Forest's year as Borough of Culture. They include an interview with Winston Whitter, the maker of the film Legacy in the Dust about the Four Aces night club in Dalston Lane, an interview with Adam Land, Chair of the 'Carefree Kids' charity which has had to discontinue its activities due to financial issues, a talk with Chantelle Michaux of Mbilla Arts about a drum workshop for children that she was leading, and Wayne's visits to God's Own Junk Yard in Raven's Wood and the nearby Pillars Brewery. There is also a snippet of our interview with 91-year-old Elsie, a very articulate and opinionated lifelong resident of Walthamstow.

With so much going on in the borough this month's 'Roundup' section is particularly thorough and several times longer than usual. We also had a brief discussion with Gudrun about her recent return visit to the part of Germany where she spent her early childhood.

The music in Programme 17 includes Gretchen Peters' new song Truckstop Angel, Dinah Washington's September, an unusual song from two young girls in Burundi in the traditional Akazehe style recorded by Michael Vuylsteke, a cover version of Johnny Cash's Hurt from Dayna Lee and The Israelites from Desmond Decker and the Aces.

Since our last programme we have uploaded eight stand alone items:

Interview with Emma of Beatroots

Interview with Sam Jones, Headteacher at Kelmscott School

Eggs and Bread Cafe, 191 Wood Street, E17 3NU

A New Whipps Cross Hospital?

Interview with Esther Manito, comedian

Interview with Elsie

Tanaka and Lister

Rendezvous Projects

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