This is the second of our programmes recorded to a new format consisting of shorter original items and trailers for longer items which appear on the site as stand-alone uploads.
We very much hope that you like this change of format, which makes individual programmes a little shorter, less daunting and easier to find your way around. Having a separate page for most of the items also allows you to go straight to the one that interests you, or to create a simple link to it for yourself or your friends, or for posting to social media. It also makes it easier for us to include pictures, graphics or video clips to accompany individual items.
Please let us know how you find the new format and whether or not there are further chages we could make that would be beneficial.
The main item in this programme is a studio interview with Graham and Françoise of Addictive TV, the creators of the huge audio visual installation projected on the front of the Town Hall for the opening ceremony of Waltham Forest's Borough of Culture year, as well founding the world's largest sampling library for electronic musicians Orchestra of Samples.
Constantly eulogised in the Musical press, the group has been described by Live Design magazine as “inspiring an entire generation of artists exploring the crossover between audio and visual mediums” and by Grandmaster Flash as “next level shit”. The group have had their work exhibited at New York’s Museum of the Moving Image, the Cité de la Musique in Paris and in Shanghai’s Museum of Contemporary Art. They recently collaborated with sitar virtuoso Baluji Shrivastav OBE on his mixed-media stage production Antardrishti, which premiered at London’s Southbank Centre in Autumn 2018. Paramount, Universal and 20th Century Fox have used their media remixing talents to create alternative trailers for films and television series such as Iron Man, Fast & Furious, Vikings and Slumdog Millionaire. In the past, they’ve also created and produced television shows, including the UK Channel 4 series Transambient and the ITV1 music series Mixmasters showcasing independent record labels and visual artists from around the World.
As well as our interview with Addictive TV we have our usual roundup of coming events in the borough, a trailer for Wayne's interview with female boxer Alex, and excerpts from our massive three-hour visit to Leyton Mela which you can hear in full further down the Programmes page. We end with a heartfelt moan about the bullying nature of our council and their failure to take any acount of the public's rejection of their pet projects designed to gentrify the borough by packing it with the rich and driving the traditional residents out with sky high house prices and rents. Not the first time we've spoken about this.
Since our last programme we have uploaded ten stand alone items:
Leyton Mela 2019:
Kukoolala Cafe in Leyton Jubilee Park
Leyton Jubilee Park Market
Waltham Forest's Got Talent ~ Audition 3
Waltham Forest Pride Day 2019
Waltham Forest Extinction Rebellion ~ talk ~ Heading for Extinction
Interview with Sam Jones of the One Hoe Street Hub
Islamic Art and Heritage Exhibition at One Hoe Street E17
Binning Knives Saves Lives Revisited
Blackhorse Arts ~ One Act Plays at Walthamstow Garden Party
In previous years we have more or less stopped all activities for the month of August, when so many people are away. This year, as well as this programme, we intend to upload the occasional stand alone item but our level of activity is likely to drop pretty low for for the next two or three weeks.