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Willowfield Schoo

      Programme 15

This is the first of our programmes recorded to a new format consisting of shorter original items and trailers for longer items which appear on the site as stand-alone uploads. Hence Jean's introduction to Circle Dancing, being short, is included in full; whereas only a greatly shortened version of Wayne's item about 'Stop and Search' is included here, with a pointer to the full length item which listeners will find elsewhere on the site. Adel's monthly roundup of coming events is of course included in full.

We very much hope that you like this change of format, which makes individual programmes a little shorter, less daunting and easier to find your way around. Having a separate page for most of the items also allows you to go straight to the one that interests you, to create a simple link to it for yourself or your friends or for posting to social media, as well as makeing it easier for us to include pictures, graphics or video clips to accompany individual items.

Please let us know how you find the new layout and whether or not there are still chages we could make that would be beneficial.

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