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      Programme 11

Our first programme of 2019 has a travel theme, as a couple of the team members and our guest Christina have been visiting foreign lands over Christmas and the New Year and returned with travellers' tales to pass on to the Forest Radio listeners. Lands visited include Argentina and the Antarctic (Christina), and Vietnam and New Zealand (David and Jean).

We have the usual roundup of local coming events from Adele, as well as a short story that she wrote in the 1980s, when an infant.

From Jean we have news of a local project that gets the older generation together with nursery school children to the enormous benefit of both groups, and David contributes a brief item about a singer/songwriter circle that operates in Hackney as well as other parts of London, organised by a small record label.

We also talk about New Year Resolutions in a rather cynical and dismissive way.

The programme includes two great comic songs, one from Les Barker and one from Tom T. Hall, as well as Auld Lang Syne in Vietnamese. What more could you possibly ask for?

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