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“Pinocchio” - a magical theatrical presentation

Adapted by JONATHAN KAUFMAN from the book by CARLO COLLODI
Additional dialogue and Italian dialogue by VALERIA IACAMPO

A free trip to the theatre for ALL THE FAMILY. Theatre group Spontaneous Productions invite Forest Radio listeners to a stage performance of Pinocchio filmed last September by Christopher Hauke upstairs at The Sydenham Centre, 44a Sydenham Road SE26 5QX where the company is based. Hjalmar Norden who plays Geppetto and his girlfriend Valeria Iacampo who plays Pinocchio are good friends of Forest Radio and you can hear Hjalmar singing some of the songs from Engineering Paradise the Musical on the project's Showcase Page.

This new, magical version of the children’s classic tells the story of the little wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy. When Pinocchio runs away from his home, and the carpenter Geppetto who made him, his adventures with the puppet theatre, a dastardly Fox and a conniving Cat, the temptations of Playland and an unfortunate episode inside a whale, take him on a journey into the darkest recesses. Perhaps only the advice of an all-knowing Cricket and the Blue Fairy can save him from himself?

Spontaneous Productions’ 10th original show for families since Spring 2017 is one of the most magical yet. Using innovative shadow puppetry effects, original songs by Paul Tornbohm – based on well-known operatic arias – and choreography by actor-dancers Valeria Iacampo (Pinocchio) and Spontaneous regular Hjalmar Nordén (Geppetto) this promises to be a fantastic show for all ages. The cast is rounded off by the multi-talented Jimand Allotey as the Blue Fairy and Harlyqueen – Jimand was last seen as Anansi in Anansi the Spider, and we are thrilled she is returning to the Sydenham Centre for Pinocchio.

Please support Spontaneous Productions through this difficult time by making a donation, however large or small, via GoFundMe

Enjoy the show!

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