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      World Osteoporosis Day

Today, Sunday 20th Oct 2019 is World Osteoporosis Day.

We speak to Jean Duggleby, an associate member of the Forest Radio team, who has suffered from the condition for the past 15 years. We then re-broadcast the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of the charity Royal Osteoporosis Society, which is given by Christine Sharp, another sufferer from the condition.

An anonymous donor has undertaken to match the first £10,000 given in response to the Radio 4 appeal one-for-one, so an early donation is worth DOUBLE to the Society.

To make a donation:

• Freephone 0800 404 8144

• Freepost BBC Radio 4 Appeal.
  (That’s the whole address. Please do not write anything else on the front of the envelope).

• Mark the back of the envelope ‘Royal Osteoporosis Society’.

• Cheques should be made payable to ‘Royal Osteoporosis Society'.

Registered Charity Number: 1102712 (England and Wales) and SC039755 (Scotland)

You can find more information on the Royal Osteoporosis Society website at:

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