We had a chat with Sebastian Salek of St.James Street Big Local about the project they have recently undertaken to record the personal memories of people who have lived in Walthamstow for a long time. Everybody in that category is very welcome to come forward and chat to us, you don't need to have exceptional stories to tell us (although it's fine if you have), what we really want to hear about is how day-to-day life was lived and how it differed from the present
The interview need not take long – probably half an hour will be more than enough, and it can take a number of different forms:
- We can go Hi Tech with modern tools like Skype or Zoom
- You can record your memories yourself using the "voice recorder" facility on a smartphone, PC, laptop or similar device and email it to us
- We can simply meet up with you, either where you live or somewhere else, and talk face-to-face
- We can record a telephone conversation
- You could sit down with a friend or relation and record a conversation involving the two of you
You can be as imaginative as you like, but what we really want is just to hear your story and if possible to be able to ask you questions about anything that sounds particularly interesting.
To start things moving all that you have to do is email Forest Radio at info@forestradio.co.uk.
Alternatively you can phone me (David) on 0208 520 9542 and we can take it from there.
St.James Street Big Local's email address is: stjamesbiglocal@gmail.com,
its website is at: http://www.stjamesbiglocal.co.uk/
and its Facebook page is at: www.facebook.com/stjamesbiglocal/