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Folashade Adewolu

      Wayne Walton and Folashade Adewolu

Mental Health, Family & Wellbeing

Folashade Adewolu of Emerald’s Career Mum was invited to the “All Champion Charity” seminar to speak about the above topic. Here she talks to Wayne Walton about the talk she has just given. Below are some short extracts from the talk itself:

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. This also includes our life experiences such as abuse and trauma. And all these put together determines how we handle stress (life issues), relate to others, and make choices.

Knife crime or any crime at all continues to be a plague in our capital and time will fail me if I begin to mention names like Damilola Taylor, Jodie Chesney, Ayub Hassan, Junior McCauley, Steven Lawrence or even Champion Ganda. All these were tragic events that must of us cannot forget.

So the question now is: Who are we to Blame? The Family or The Society?

Here are some ways that you can get in touch with Folashade and her organisation:



Website: Emrald's Career Mum

She can also be contacted by telephone on 07960635513 or 07904090352

... or you can email her care of Forest Radio and we'll see that she gets the message.

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