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Marilyn Joy - New Picture
Marilyn Joy

      Marilyn Joy, Your Kiss is On My Bucket List

Marilyn Joy, a local singer/songwriter and good friend of Forest Radio, has just released a new track, called "Your Kiss is On My Bucket List". At the moment Jean and David, the two stalwarts of Forest Radio, are under the weather with Covid-19, thankfully with fairly mild symptoms, so we'll have to come back to this page in the moments when we don't feel too confused or low in energy, and fill in the details.

This latest song, Marylin tells us, has some melodic inspiration from East London legends The Small Faces' song "Mad John".

You can buy this and Marilyn's earlier CD releases from her Bandcamp Page at this link.

You can send Marylin a £1 or greater gift for the digital download using PayPal or a credit/debit card.

For free detailed informaton on Marylin Joy's coming gigs and performances all over the UK, visit her page on Folk and

Marylin on Twitter

Marylin on Facebook

Marylin on YouTube

Here are the lyrics of "Your Kiss is On My Bucket List":

No more time for those regrets
Make sure to pay off your debts
Then kick off your own goals
Seems they slipped through the netholes
Those names they have given you
Stick like mud to your best shoes
Put this on your epitaph
Girl tried but she had too much stuff
She's got wants, she's got needs
But it's not her way to plead

You're top of my list
Right in line for Xmas time
Can't wait to be kissed
Your kiss is on my bucket list

La la la la la la la
Looks like he's gone underground
There's no sight, there's no sound
What's another year
To be waiting here
Sozzling in beer


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