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      A Tour of God's Own Junk Yard

A guided tour of Gods Own Junkyard, Unit 12 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street, London E17 9HQ.

God’s Own Junkyard is a psychedelic paradise of neon lights and vintage signs, all hidden inside an unassuming warehouse in a Walthamstow industrial estate. Late owner and originator of the concept Chris Bracey, the ‘Neon Man’, got his start by making signs for Soho’s strip clubs and brothels. Soon his talents were spotted by Hollywood and he began fashioning props for directors such as Stanley Kubrick, Tim Burton, and Christopher Nolan.

Now almost a theme park with its staggering diversity of witty neon exhibits and curiosities of all kinds, the Junkyard boasts its own on-site café called The Rolling Scones. Most of the neon creations are available for buying as well as for renting, and the owners will be more than happy to design and create signage for any kind of business or for theatre or film projects. The old slogan of Mad Magazine seems applicable to this enterprise as well: "Number One in a Field of One".

Forest Radio's Wayne Walton is given a conducted tour by the great granddaughter of the creator of the business, Ella Bracey.

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