Los Otros (The Others)
Los Otros (The Others) includes anyone who wants to join us playing the kind of music that Ian Maclean likes to play and/or singing the kind of music that Julia Clarke likes to sing. For web pages on our other interests and activities, follow the links. Mail juliajubilada@gmail.com if you'd like to be included on the Los Otros mailing list.
When the pubs open again, we hope Los Otros will continue playing from 9pm on the third Thursday of every month at The Victoria, 186 Hoe St, London E174QH.
This video was created entirely by Ian Maclean and Julia Clarke with a little help from their friends.
If you are a musician, singer or performer of any kind and could do something similar with a Waltham Forest flavour for our website please invite us along to make a recording or a video, or if you can do that yourselves just send it along as an attachment to info@forestradio.co.uk. It doesn't have to be as professional as this one! If the file is too large to travel as an attachment please use Dropbox or a similar service, or simply put it on a Memory Stick in an envelope with a return address and shove it through the post box of 55 Elmsdale Road, E17 6PN. As soon as we have downloaded the file we will return your Memory Stick.
Items consisting of sound only are equally welcome. We can cope with pretty wll any audio format. Just send your file along as an attachment, tell us a bit about yourself (or selves) and we will do the rest.
RUNNING TIME: 4 minutes 27 sec.