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Graham Sclater, Musician, Author, Publisher and Creative Writing Teacher
Running time: 36 minutes 45 seconds

A Chat With Graham Sclater

It's always a pleasure when somebody we have met in a "previous life" contacts us through the Forest Radio website. This was the case with Graham Sclater, a former musician and singer/songwriter who founded a music publishing company, Tabitha Music Ltd., and later a book publishing imprint, initially for his own work. I met him around 2012 or 2013 as a result of a singer/songwriter competition that I organised on behalf of Gold Dust Magazine. You'll find the whole story in our video-recorded chat so there is no need to repeat it here.

Graham has just brought out his nineth novel, "Born to Run", which, understandably, he was keen to tell us about.

You'll find another Graham Sclater interview at and he has a website at> where you can find a lot of information on all of his books as well as his activities as a musician, music publisher and leader of Creative Writing seminars. is the home of Tabitha Music Limited and is the home of Tabitha Books.

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