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1960s style housing estate planned to replace Fulbourne Road Homebase

Homebase, Fulbourne Road

Homebase on Fulbourne Road as it was originally

Development, Fulbourne Road

Proposed development on the site

Planning Committee Meeting 2nd March 2021 ~ First Two Hours

On Tuesday 2nd March 2021 the Planning Committee of Waltham Forest Council met via Zoom to rubber stamp a planning application to build a high rise housing estate on the site of the former Homebase DIY store on Fulbourne Road

The recording here includes only the first two hours or thereabouts of the three-hour-plus meeting, ending with the passing of the Planning Application by four votes to one. The sole dissenting vote came from Cllr Alan Siggers, Leader of the Conservative Group in the Waltham Forest Council.

The most interesting section of the recording is the first hour, in which members of the public are allowed by prior request to talk for three minutes each, putting their objections to the Application. The speakers include Adrian Stannard, Max Carter and Elsie Hackley and they speak very cogently and with considerable passion, clearly showing that the Application is in violation of a large number of the Council's and the GLA's own rules with regard to such matters as public consultation, housing density and percentage of so-called "affordable" housing, having been rushed through in a fraction of the normal time. Their objections however are poo-pooed by the majority of the committee members and the Planning Application is passed without a single amendment or condition. In this respect it is a re-run of the 2019 public meeting at which the objections raised by ten of the twelve local residents who were allowed to speak were simply ignored and the Planninga Application for the high rise blocks on the town square and the removal of 51 mature trees was privately agreed without amendment in the fifteen minutes or so of the coffee break, away from the public stage.

Members of the Forest Radio team have been at the forefront of several hard fought campaigns to curtail the Council's high-handed disregard of public opinion in the decisions it takes, of which this is another fine example. We think it's important that the electorate of Waltham Forest realises the contempt in which their views are held by their representatives and starts addressing it at the ballot box.

If you would like to view the whole three hours of the meeting you will find a complete recording on the Council's YouTube channel here: Full Recording.

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