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Fransismusicofficial (Emma & Alex) busking in Walthamstow Market, Sunday 29/5/22

Jean and I came across this duo busking in the Market when we were coming back from another recording session. We had packed up all our equipment and weren't prepared to go again, but Emma's voice and her home-grown material was so good I made the effort and quickly got everything out again. You can hear the exact point at which I plugged in the professional (Rode) microphone. Unfortunately they were ready to pack up and I really only captured one song and a fragment of another, but we hope to run into them again and do a longer session in the near future.

The duo have a big (and confusing!) social media presence, having recently changed the spelling of "Fransis" and seemingly operating more than one Facebook account, but our biggest surprise was the range of styles in which they work. A few days after our meeting them they released in turn two EPs, tasters for which you can view below.

You can find at least one of their Facebook pages at:
and there is an interview with Emma (under the name "Fransis") here:
from which you can learn a great about them.


Fransis - A song for badasses of all
descriptions. Newly released... by Fransis .

Fransis - BTS ‘Honeymoon’ video shoot – Facebook – by
Fransis. We shot 2 videos in one day.

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