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      Extinction Rebellion Climate Change Strike Day, 20th September 2019

On today Friday 20th Septembeer 2019 millions of people around the world took part in what could be the largest climate protest in history. British students walked out of lessons and lectures to take to the streets and people of all ages were encouraged to join them as they brought central London to a standstill.

The protests, originally inspired by the teenage Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, took place in around 150 countries worldwide, demanding that world leaders take immediate action to limit the harmful effects of man made climate change ahead of the environmental summit at the United Nations in New York on Monday next, September 23rd.

More similar actions are planned, as we learned when we spoke to Rob Stuart of Waltham Forest Extinction Rebellion in the town square today. We interviewed Rob previously in Programme 14 (about 1 hour 10 minutes in). The meetings that he tells us about will be of great interest to any local people who would like to get involved in the work of the movement.

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