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      Eggs and Bread Cafe 191 Wood St. E17 3NU

A Walthamstow cafe with a very unusual business model. Visitors can help themselves to as much food as they like from the simple menu and are invited to leave a donation, if they wish, of whatever amount they can afford and consider appropriate. An idea reminiscent of Ed Berman's Almost Free theatre in Rupert Street, Soho, in the 1970s where the audience members were invited to pay whatever they could afford or considered right for the performance they had just attended. A model of commerce based on mutual respect, trust and fellowship rather than the strict accounting of Western capitalism. A happy throwback, whether conscious or not I don't know, to the oldest socialist theory of all, the Free Acquisition Economy proposed by Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers in the middle of the 17th century.

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