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Florence Johnson
Florence Johnson

      Message to Waltham Forest People Suffering from Diabetes

This item was sent in by Helen Riley, the Regional Media Officer for Diabetes UK. On the first page of their website, under the heading "How we help", they tell us that: "Whether you're looking for diabetes information, or just someone to talk to – we are here to help you.

"Our incredible supporters help us to provide our helpline, local support groups, Type 1 events, online Learning Zone, and even insurance - to name just a few.

"From knowing your diabetes risk, to learning to live well with diabetes, we have a wide variety of support available to you.

"Why not get in touch and see how we can help you today?"

With so much attention being given to the Covid-19 pandemic it's easy for people with diabetes of either Type 1 or Type 2 to get distracted and forget how important it is to look after the control of this other potentially very serious condition and to do the right thing where diet, exercise, self monitoring and treatment are concerned. This brief reminder recorded by Florence Johnson who has spoken on Forest Radio before concentrates on footcare and foot statistics for Waltham Forest related to people with diabetes. Acute foot clinics are still operating and it’s important that people with diabetes seek help if they have any foot problems.

The website of Diabetes UK is at:

The Diabetes Help Line is still active. Phone: 0345 123 2399

The Diabetes Help Line Email:

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