Cllr Khan, Cabinet Member for Community Safety on the Waltham Forest Council, came to visit us at the Elmsdale Road house, accompanied by Catherine Marcus, the Community Safety Media Officer. Wayne and David spoke to them and a large number of concerns were raised and discussed.
The overall theme was the apparent rise in violence of all kinds over the last few years, including that which involves gangs and drug dealing and the more hidden but no less important varieties of domestic violence which so often go unreported for long periods. We talked about the likely causes of this increase and how it can be addressed. In particular we talked about the workings of the borough's Violence Reduction Partnership which is headed by Darryl Abelscroft.
If you have any further ideas or suggestions about how to address these issues Cllr Khan would be pleased to hear from you directly on the email address below. Alternatively you can talk to him at his surgery, which is every Saturday, 11am to 12noon, in the Walthamstow Library on the High Street at the north east corner of the square.
Below you will find a number of links to individuals, committees and resources that were mentioned in the course of our discussion.
Annual Report of the Waltham Forest Violence Reduction Partnership, 2019
Life Chances Report, September 2018
Support Services for Victims of Violence Against Women and Girls
Email address for general contact with the Violence Reduction Partnership
Email address of Cllr Ahsan Khan, Cabinet Member for Community Safety
Chris Rea ~ The Road to Hell
Gretchen Peters ~ When All You Got Is A Hammer