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      Refugee Week at the Islington Centre for Refugees & Migrants, N1 2BG

Wayne Walton visited the Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants to record the opening ceremony of Refugee Week, which this year runs from 17-23 June, and is a really important week to raise awareness of refugees and migrants, their lives in the UK, the struggles they face, their contributions to our communities, and how we can support them.

The work of the Centre, providing a full range of support to some of the most vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees in London, is crucial to supporting refugees to resolve their complex problems, and build the wellbeing, independence, confidence, and skills they need to build a new life in the UK, even though they are far from home and family. You can read more about the Centre's work and impact, as well as how to volunteer or donate, here.

Link music: Hello Friend by Peggy Seeger, performed by The Johnstons.

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