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An Assessment of Carbon Capture Technology

To download the video file use this link:
Carbon Capture Webinar

File size is 358 MB, running time: 54 minutes 32 seconds

Wood Mackenzie Limited, also known as "WoodMac", is a global provider of data and analytics for the energy transition. Wood Mackenzie’s services include data, analytics, insight, events and consultancy across the renewables, energy and natural resources sectors.

Since 2015 a host of companies have become part of Wood Mackenzie including PSG, a petroleum database service, PCI, the specialist chemicals analysis group, Greentech Media, providing analysis of the solar market; MAKE, providing analysis of global wind power, Roskill a global metals and mining research firm that focused on the materials crucial for the energy transition and Power Advocate with its unique cost and supply chain analytics.

The language of the Webinar is somewhat technical, but the overall message is that the contribution of carbon sequestering technology is small as yet, being more expensive and less efficient than simple reforestation, but it is improving rapidly and is very likely to have a place in future efforts to achieve net zero carbon emissions.

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