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Classical Music in the Park from Bess Solomon & Sally Johnson

This is a video of a very informal outdoor music-making session in Jack Cornwell Park, Leyton, on Tuesday 14th July 2020 by Bess Solomon and Sally Johnson, who have known each other for a long time and love to make music together. Although in ruthless competition with the wind and the shouts of the children in the playground, the duo gave a beautiful performance of some of their favourite classical pieces, including a piece from Christoph Willibald Gluck's Orpheus and Euridice and a selection of flute duets by Johann Joachim Quantz.

We faded out the last few seconds of the session as they were badly marred by wind-gusting.

Outside of Lockdown on Tuesday evenings Sally plays with The London String Network, a group of enthusiastic chamber music players who meet in each others' houses in London throughout the year. She also plays in the Forest Philharmonic which is in the process of moving to its temporary new home at Stoke Newington Assembly Hall, Town Hall, Stoke Newington Church Street, N16 0JR due to due to the building work going on at the Walthamstow Town Hall estate.

If you are a musician, singer or performer of any kind and could do something similar with a Waltham Forest flavour for our website please invite us along to make a recording or a video, or if you can do that yourselves just send it along as an attachment to If the file is too large to travel as an attachment please use Dropbox or a similar service, or simply put it on a Memory Stick in an envelope with a return address and shove it through the post box of 55 Elmsdale Road, E15 6PN. As soon as we have downloaded the file we will return your Memory Stick.

RUNNING TIME: 22 minutes 47 sec.

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MP4 Format: Bess Solomon & Sally Johnson

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