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Overview by Peter O'Kane

Press Cutting from The Sun Socialist Party Poster
Socialist Party helps organise vigil to resist eviction of Nadia Zaman Attaria

Nadia talks to Forest Radio while awaiting bailifs on 3rd August 2021

The two videos above, one from Peter O'Kane and one from Nadia herself, say it all. Local members of the Socialist Party and other community groups as well as concerned Waltham Forest friends and neighbours have tried to support Nadia and her three children aged four, eight and ten through the shocking series of family upheavels she has endured at the hands of Waltham Forest Council's housing department. Today, August 3rd, was supposed to be the date allocated for her second eviction, this time from a four-bedroom house in Leyton occupied by 11 people in total, where Nadia and her children still have to share a single bedroom. In fact the bailifs didn't show up, leaving the family in a limbo not knowing what to expect next or what new indignities the council is dreaming up for them.

As soon as we know any more we will add it to this report. In the meantime we wish Nadia and her family whatever level of peace and serenity is possible for people in their position. She has already shown herself to be an immensely strong and determined woman and will undoubtedly win the fair treatment that is her right in the end.


"They found Nadia a 2 bedroom contained place at the 11th hour. It's nice, just beside Lloyd Park and near her family. They say only for two weeks but not if we've got anything to do with it." 😀
Nancy Taffee.

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