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Promotional Video for Engineering Paradise the novel

This promotional video was created for YouTube when my novel Engineering Paradise was published in March 2012 and has been there ever since. This morning, 20th October 2020, I received a notifiation by email from YouTube that it has been "age restricted". I don't know what age you have to be to view it from now on, but at 73 I seem to be OK to view. I have followed all the links but as far as I can tell there is no way to discover what aspect of the little 7 minute 24 second video is the offending one. It may be the momentary glimpse of two naked people lying on the grass making the CND logo with their bodies, or the shot of casual nudity at Woodstock, or more plausibly perhaps the sight of young Americans protesting against the country's involvement in the Vietnam War, but whatever it is THIS VIDEO HAS BECOME DANGEROUS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE after eight years of being relatively innocuous. Make sure you get your children to leave the room before you play it.

Actually I might ban it myself on the grounds of poor image quality. It was before HD was included in most cameras and video editing suites and boy, can you tell!

I almost forgot. If you want to buy Engineering Paradise, which I'm sure you will, it's still available: Engineering Paradise on Amazon and part of it has been turned into an as-yet unproduced stage musical: Engineering Paradise showcase page on Forest Radio

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