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Adrian Stannard gives his third talk on
the changing Waltham Forest street scene

In this the third talk in the series Adrian Stannard of the Waltham Forest Civic Society continues his historical account of all the intensive redevelopment schemes that are going on around the borough, giving a perspective from which current schemes can be understood. These include but go far beyond the Homebase Redevelopment Scheme at 2C Fulbourne Road, E17 4EE, the proposed changes to the Mall Shopping Centre and the town square, and plans for new residential blocks behind the Town Hall on Forest Road. If you don't know about these things you won't be able to have your say, and it will be no good complaining about what the council has done after it has done it. This is an entertaining and well illustrated way to keep up to date and have your say in the conversation about Waltham Forest's future.

NOTE: In the course of his presentation Adrian gives rather too much credit to me, David Gardiner, for starting the Save Our Square campaign and working on it in the early days. My partner Jean Duggleby did at least as much as I did to get the campaign started and probably more. Eventually both of us drew back from the campaign and left in in the very capable hands of Adrian Stannard, Nancy and Linda Taffee and many others.

One other thing I would like to add: Adrian talked about the holiday project undertaken by the international students at Central Saint Martins which is a constituent college of the University of the Arts in London, situated at 1 Granary Square, Kings Cross, N1C 4AA. They did a superb job as he says, but I don't think he mentioned the posters created by the school children of Waltham Forest in response to an appeal that Save Our Square put out in 2018. More than 150 pictures and letters to the council were sent in, including some created at "art tables" on the square during our various demonstrations. About 100 of these are still on display on this website: The Children's Gallery. I found it particularly heart-warming to see the passion with which the next generation of Waltham Forest residents expressed their feelings about the planned destruction of the trees in their town square.

This session took place on Zoom on 28th July 2020

RUNNING TIME: 35 minutes 5 sec. approx.

To see the fourth talk in the series please follow this link: Adrian Stannard gives his fourth talk on the changing Waltham Forest street scene

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