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Adrian Stannard gives his first talk in the series of
four on our changing Waltham Forest street scene

In these talks delivered on Zoom, Adrian Stannard of the Waltham Forest Civic Society takes an historical perspective with regard to the state of play in all the intensive redevelopment schemes that are going on around the borough, giving a perspective from which current schemes can be understood. These include but go far beyond the Homebase Redevelopment Scheme at 2C Fulbourne Road, E17 4EE, the proposed changes to the Mall Shopping Centre and the town square, and plans for new residential blocks behind the Town Hall on Forest Road. If you don't know about these things you won't be able to have your say, and it will be no good complaining about what the council has done after it has done it. This is an entertaining and well illustrated way to keep up to date and have your say in the conversation about Waltham Forest's future.

This session was first given on Zoom back in July 2020, but was not recorded at that time, so Adrian repeated it on November 11th, which is when this recording was made. The recording was made shortly before the deadline for submissions about the council's revised Local Plan for the next 15 years, so it is followed by a very interesting discussion relevant to the new document.

You can watch the film Concrete Soldiers UK mentioned at the end of the session on Forest Radio HERE. The Television programme Cornwall With Simon Reeve will be available on BBC iPlayer for at least one year from 8th Novembwer 2020 The other three sessions, in the correct order, can also be viewed on this site. The links are just below this one on the Programmes Page.

RUNNING TIME: 27 minutes 5 sec. approx.

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MP4 Format: Adrian Stannard talks about our changing street scene

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