This is our second home brew "Desert Island Discs" programme in which a member of the Forest Radio team invites us to listen to some of their favourite music and tells us a little bit about why the tracks mean so much to them.
Any of you the listeners is more than welcome to have a similar slot to play and to talk about the music you love. A Forest Radio musical "selfie" that will be permanently accessible and give you and your family and friends wherever they are in the world pleasure into the years to come.
All you need to do is record the commentary, leaving a brief pause for each piece of music, and we will find the tracks for you and edit it all together. Your introduction and commentary can be either a video recording or sound only, whichever you prefer. We can cope with pretty well any digital video format but please film in "landscape" format, not "portrait".
Sending a large file as an email attachment often doesn't work because most of the larger email servers such as Google and Yahoo have a size limit of about 15 MB for attachments. The Forest Radio server has a theoretical limit of 50 MB but they apply it leniently. In most cases it's better to use one of the file-sharing services to send us a large file. Many of these services are free including Google Drive, which is also very fast and efficient. We'll let you know right away when we have received your file safely.
The first step is just to get in touch with us by email and we will talk you through any difficulties. Our email address is:
We would also be very interested to hear what you think of our musical choices. Same email address.
Running time: 38 minutes 31 seconds.