This page is reserved for content whose format is video or audio, including but not limited to the personal comments and statements of our visitors and campaign members, which can be submitted in any digital format format (e.g. sound or video recorded on a phone or pad or any suitable device). Tell us about your hopes and fears for the new hospital and the aspects about which you feel most strongly.
Please send your contributions to
If the files are too big to travel as attachments, which they often will be, Microsoft's OneDrive is a good alternative. We now have a dedicated page for lighter material which can be of any format (written, pictorial, audio or video) to which you are welcome to contribute. Visit the page for details.
Radio 4s Broadcasting House reports on the housing situation for hospital staff
Radio 4 news magazine reports on the housing crisis for the lower paid
Running time: 5 minutes 27 seconds Broadcast: 21st May 2023
BBC Breakfast looks into Government promises to rebuild 40 hospitals
A depressing BBC Breakfast report on the state of progress on the 40 new hospitals promised by the government to be completed by the year 2030 shows that not only has very little been accomplished beyond the demolition of some existing buildings but such building work as has taken place is frequently fault-ridden and shoddy. This item was broadcast on 17th May 2023.
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BBC Radio 4 You and Yours looks into social care provision in the UK
You and Yours ~ 18th Jan 2023 (Sound only)
Redbridge Community Radio interviews Norma Dudley
On Tuesday 13/09/22 (NOT 13/09/23!) Norma Dudley was interviewed on Redbridge Community Radio about the Action4Whipps campaign. This is an edited version giving the whole of Norma's interview but not the other topics covered in the programme. The interviewer is Carole Vincent. This is an excellent and up-to-date summary of the point that we have reached with respect to our campaign aims.
Information Videos About Our Campaign
We are in the process of creating short videos intended for distribution by social media explaining the nature of our campaign and what we stand to lose if the new Whipps Cross Hospital project is not implemented imaginatively and well. We hope to raise public awareness of the various aspects of the project that we believe merit public concern in these bite-sized instalments, to be combined into a longer "compendium" video for people who want to go into it a little more deeply. Below is the first video in the series. You can download it to your own device using the link provided and put it up on your own Facebook page, your Twitter feed or wherever in the social media universe you think it will do the most good. If you have suggestions for particular videos or improvements to the ones we create please let us know by emailing .
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The Second of Our Short Information Videos About Our Campaign
In the second of our short videos we talk about the Margaret Centre and our concerns about its possible non-replacement under the plans for the new Whipps Cross Hosptal.
These short videos are designed with distribution on social media in mind. To put either video up on your Facebook page or Twitter feed, first download the file and store it in a folder in your device, then upload it to your soicial media account as you would a photograph or anything else. Ask your friends to share so that as many people as possible hear about our campaign. More of these videos are in preparation and will follow soon.
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The Third of Our Short Information Videos About Our Campaign
In the third of our short videos designed with distribution on social media in mind we go into the requirement for huge improvements to the care available beyond hospital, in both long and short term care centres and in people's homes, which are assumed and required for the care model envisaged for the new hospital to work.
To put this or any of the videos up on your Facebook page or Twitter feed, first download the file and store it in a folder in your device, then upload it to your social media account as you would a photograph or anything else. Ask your friends to share so that as many people as possible hear about our campaign. More of these videos are in preparation and will follow soon.
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Whipps Cross ambulance reception on BBC Lunchtime News, 16th March 2022
An item broadcast as part of the BBC1 Lunchtime news and again in the evening news programme. An allegedly new facility, the "Ambulance Receiving Centre," is described and praised, but to many it didn't look to be any more than a corridor now reserved for lining up stretchers so that vehicles can go out on other calls. Difficult to see why it was newsworthy or what we are supposed to make of it. Since 1.45 today (Thursday 17th)The news item is no longer avaiable on iPlayer but we have downloaded it and put it here so that it will remain accessible to anybody interested and discussion about it can continue.
Handing in the petition postcards to retain the Margaret Centre in the new hospital
Video by Forest Radio – 26th Feb 2022
Frances Simmons of Action4Whipps speaking outside the main entrance of Whipps Cross Hospital on Monday 28th February at the handing-over to Dame Alwen Williams, the Chief Executive of Barts NHS Trust, of more than 2000 postcards completed by local people asking for the re-creation of the Margaret Centre when Whipps Cross Hospital is rebuilt. This Forest Radio video will be the centre-piece of a Forest Radio page about the event to include a picture gallery of photographs from attendees. It would be very helpful if anybody who was there and took photogrphs could send them as attachments to me, David Gardiner at for distribution to anybody who may be interested..
Norma Dudley gives a campaign update in the town square, 26th February 2022
Video by Forest Radio
Norma was speaking from a stall shared by Unite and Action4Whipps on a very windy and noisy town square on Saturday 26th February 2022.
Action4Whipps protesters on the steps of the Town Hall
video of the speakers on the steps of the Town Hall when the Planning Permission for the new Whipps Cross Hospital was rubber-stamped, Wednesday 24th Nov. 2021. For a more detailed report CLICK HERE
Barts Health Trust AGM 2021
The 2021 AGM of Barts Health Trust held on 22nd September was recorded and made publicly available on their website. Here it is:
John Cryer MP questions Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg about reductions in bed numbers in the new Whipps Cross Hospital
John Cryer MP questions Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, Leader of the House of Commons, about proposed reductions in bed numbers in the new Whipps Cross Hospital. Thursday 25th March 2021.
Whipps Cross Hospital Redevelopment
- final online discussion meeting (No. 3): Thursday 4th March
This recording of the third and final meeting in the series was made from the live stream and is not available anywhere else. Attached is the full list of questions asked in the "Chat" section. Full list kindly provided by Robert Gay. Once again we can compare the questions chosen for answering and the answers provided with the questions asked by participants.
Whipps Cross Hospital Redevelopment
- online discussion meeting No. 2: Tuesday 2nd March
This recording of the second meeting in the series was made from the live stream, and due to an incorrect adjustment only part of the picture has come out. However the sound is very clear. For the third and last meeting in the series we hope to have mastered the art of recording a live stream! "The points made by previous attendees applied to today's presentation - no dialogue and questions carefully selected." (Adrian Stannard).
It is interesting to compare the questions chosen for answering, and the answers provided, with the full list of questions asked in the "Chat" section. Full list kindly provided by Geoffrey Wolfson.
The fourth of 5 NHS awareness films made for the sell out NHS "In Stitches" comedy show at the Hackney Empire on 28th March 2015
This very short video gives us an idea of how much is lost when a hospital no longer offers a "Blue Light" Accident and Emergency Department, which has been proposed for the new Whipps Cross Hospital.
Inner NE Lon. Joint Overview & Scrutiny Com. meeting 2/11/20
Norma's statement and the discussion arising is between 9 minutes 40 seconds and 27 minutes 30 seconds into the recording.
Outer NE Lon. Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Com. meeting 15/11/20
Ann – from our campaign – makes a 3 minute statement about the bed cuts being proposed in the new Whipps Cross hospital. And Julie, who worked at the Margaret Centre & spoke at one of our meetings, makes a statement about the loss for us all if the Margaret Centre is not reprovided in the new hospital. Both of these issues are vital and the councillors need to “scrutinise” the issues and see that our speakers have the community support. Ann's statement begins 1 hour 19 minutes into the meeting and Julie's begins 1 hour 22 minutes and 40 seconds into the meeting.
Two Short Interviews with Retired GP Dr. Mary Logan
Mary Burnett's many days spent scrutinising lack of evidence
This video does much to explain our concerns about the modelling used to justify bed reduction. It may be a bit too detailed for some people but illustrates the quality of the research undertaken by our members and makes it clear that that we're not just well meaning scaremongers but have looked at the so-called evidence in detail.
Mary Burnett on concerns about cuts to beds in the new hospital
Eva Turner on funding & land sale
A Personal Vision from David Gardiner
Random thoughts about the new Whipps Cross Hospital
Planning for whom?
Adrian Stannard of Waltham Forest Civic Society speaks about planning, democratic control and environmental impact ~ Oct 21st 2020.
Lighter Material
Don't forget, we have a number of lighter items which we have now moved to a dedicated page called The Lighter Side . Here you will find comedy, satire and humour in the form of cartoons, videos and sound recordings. Please visit and see what we've got, and if you wish add your own comic creations. We hope you enjoy the fun as much as we have.